Both raised on the Northern majestic lakes and rivers of beautiful Minnesota, Scott and Sierra were destined to create something epic together. Scott is a professional Graphic Designer and avid ocean fisherman, owner of a boat named "The Norseman". Sierra is a professional tattoo artist and owner of Bearcat Tattoo Gallery in the Little Italy neighborhood of San Diego. The story of joining of forces began here in San Diego, CA. Together they put on several tattoo inspired art shows working incredibly well as a team. Of course, tattoo work started happening. We began working on his back tattoo and fishing trips got planned. We realized that both of us had incredible drive and work ethic and knew we could create something on a larger scale that was more shareable with everyone.
Scott’s love for fishing drew us to the water and it wasn’t long before our concept was hatched. It was somewhere a couple hours offshore in Southern California/Mexican waters, on a fun tattoo shop fishing trip that our idea formed. During a long troll looking for the next school of Yellowtail, we couldn’t help but start talking tattoos. With all the excitement of unique lures, fancy hooks coming out, and who’s using what next, inspiration hit in the form of art in a tackle box. Thus, the collaboration of fishing and tattoos began. An idea was formed, a handshake was made, and a goal of bringing tattoo art to the fishing world began.
We are both proud and excited to share
Fin & Ink - The Original Tattoo Lure
with everyone!